Thursday, April 5, 2007

Dreams fade away...

When I was a child, I had many dreams, many wishes…. I wanted to make the world mine; I wanted to conquer every part of world. I wanted to travel to moon. I wanted to be strong; strong enough to stay, strong enough to escape…

But as I grew up, my dreams become smaller, the most important and biggest dreams faded away first… .Mother told the brightest flame burns quickest, what I heart was true. I lost my first dream and understood that is not achievable that’s just a dream…. The more I grew up everyday the more I lost dreams and face reality instead…I felt like I become someone new with new born dreams, I didn't even remember my old dreams... but I’ve always asked myself is that me killing that little son’s dreams or I’m not doing this, reality does?

Originally posted on Tuesday November 14, 2006

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