Monday, July 9, 2007

In the praise of Q & Z & X

Among the English letters, letters Q, Z, X are being used less than the other letters.

This is not because of the nature of these three lovely letters rather because of the way words are created, in the other words the nature of human caused this disharmony. That doesn't mean these letters are useless because we don't use them. Neither it means they have less absolute value than the letter E which is used the most in English.

Well, X is being used in the word sex and X itself is symbol of sex and widely being used in sensual context which adds lots of credibility to X...

Sometimes I really feel sorry for Q and Z;
Z is demoted in British English since they use S instead in many cases such as: recognise, antagonise, organisation... but at least it's been promoted in Americanized English and being used more than British equivalent of the words.

But Q; I can't think of any reason to add credibility to Q, neither i can find a reason to justify why Q is being neglected.
I don't understand why it's being created, if you create it you have to look after it, but Q is left like a abandon dog since there are other letters which has similar sound & is being used instead of Q or there are some words like queer which is not being used enough to emphasize (cherishing Z- not emphasise) the value of Q.

They shouldn't create Q and use other words with similar sound instead of poor Q from the first day, then we wouldn't feel sorry for Q now...

This is Siavash Alavian thinking, so you can enjoy
Siavash Alavian is also a Q-Lover

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